Stalker or victim? It depends on the viewing angle.


My hunt! is a play about whose staging it is possible to say with one hundred percent certainty that it needs to be seen several times. Because of a great number of combinations, a spectator can reconstruct a myriad of interpretations and interconnections. Already the mere story motifs offer x combinations. The interpretation via one actor and his or her journey through various characters offers another “package” of options. On first sight it may seem that the latest play by SkRAT is a huge mass of different practices, which appeared in theatre throughout the 20th century and at the turn of the millennium. We could start with the idea of multiple perspectives that was characteristic of cubism at the beginning of the last century, continue with the breakdown of the strong bond between dramatic character, actor and character on stage and conclude this enumeration with the phenomenon of the network character of society related to the expansion of internet at the beginning of the 21st century. However, if the spectator proceeds from all the finesses associated with the formal aspect of the piece—I mean it in its best sense—and transforms sjuzet into fabula, he will be left with a story of love: unfulfilled, unreciprocated, passionate and deadly. In other words, the most traditional and the most confirmed concern that humankind knows.

Miro Zwiefelhofer: Stalker or victim? It depends on the viewing angle. kød 8/2014, p. 24 – 28