Script, directed by Dušan Vicen
Co-authors and actors Ľubo Burgr, Daniela Gudabová, Lucia Fričová, Vito Bednárik, Stanislava Vlčeková, Vlado Zboroň
Co-author of the sketches “Lust for Life” and “Zorro” is Slávka Daubnerová.
The texts are a result of the recording and transcription of improvised situations.
Music Ľubo Burgr
Technical support Slavo Šmálik
A cynically poetical parable from the life of one hotel room is also a poetically cynical narration about everything what should have happened but from various reasons didn’t. The play is set in the place where people of various faces, sexes and social and other statuses meet for one and only reason – to please themselves.
A series of sketches, which portray people at intimate and delicate situations, in which they easily become vulnerable; they cannot defend themselves and act impulsively…
The play takes place in a soulless, anonymous hotel room, where couples meet to satisfy their sexual needs. In the play, sex is not taken as an end in itself, but as a means of uncovering the truth about the characters, who find themselves in situations they are not prepared for, and in which they accidentally reveal the unpleasant facts about their lives which they normally mask and which they are often unable to admit even to themselves.
The title of this show paraphrases a cryptic statement by Ľubo Burgr, discovered on one of the walls of the A4 - Zero Space…
Premiere: April 19th 2004, A4 – Zero Space
Length: 90 min.
Prašná Bašta restaurant for providing a creative environment
Dzedko – for helping with making the set
Barbora Babuta Šedivá – for helping with making the additional sounds
DISK Theatre Trnava – for collaboration
Inspirational sources – for inspiration
Cibulák 2007, Pezinok
Víkend atraktívneho divadla 2006, Zvolen
SkRAT ve zkratce, 2008, Alfred ve dvoře, Prague, Czech Republic
Festival divadiel strednej Európy 2009, Košice